About Brian

Brian Hanson has lived most of his life in Nevada, Iowa, and is a 1987 graduate of Nevada High School.  While his children were in school, he enjoyed working with the high school baseball/softballs teams and helping with various parks and rec programming and the Nevada Soccer Club.  Brian has both previously and currently serves as a Nevada Booster Club board member.

His other major involvement has been City government. Hanson has served as a Planning and Zoning Board and most recently 18 years as a Nevada City Council member; and only stepping off the council when the decision to buy a new home landed him outside of the Ward he was representing.

When Hanson stepped away in February 2024, he said he wasn’t going to rule out running for City government again.

According to Hanson, "I’ve seen a lot of council people come and go, mayors come and go, city administrators come and go … I have some history. And even though I became more comfortable in my own skin as a council person, it didn’t mean getting complacent. It just meant I understood the process better.”

Brian is a local small business owner, operating V &H Ag Services with his wife Leslie. He has three grown children: Sarah (and AJ), Peyton, and Samuel.

Currently, Hanson said his two top goals for the City of Nevada are to continue the focus on affordable housing in our community and the strong focus on economic development. He also wants the City to continue and grow the positive relationships it has established with other community leaders in the Nevada Schools, Story County, the Ames Regional Economic Alliance, Main Street Nevada, Story Medical along with others. 

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